How to Treat Eczema

Eczema affects the very young, the very old, and people in between. Red, itchy, flaky, and inflamed skin characterize this chronic skin condition, making it difficult for sufferers to engage in everyday activities. Eczema flare ups can worsen and spread if not treated correctly.

The question of how to treat eczema is an age old dilemma. Eczema flare ups can be caused by a number of factors. Lifestyle choices such as diet and stress level as well as exposure to irritants such as fabrics, chemicals, and pollens can all play a role in the appearance of eczema. Fighting eczema is an ongoing battle, but with these helpful tips and treatment options, you can emerge the victor.

  1. People who suffer from eczema should see a doctor or dermatologist before trying to treat themselves as there are different kinds of eczema. During a typical consultation with a doctor concerning your eczema, the doctor will assess your lifestyle as well as your skin, as both play an important role in assessing treatment options.
  2. Most doctors will prescribe a topical steroid cream to be used for eczema break outs. Steroids work fast to clear up eczema flare ups. But the prolonged use of steroids can thin skin over time, making it difficult for skin to heal itself. Steroids also stop working as effectively the more they are used, so seek natural remedies in addition to steroids to deal with eczema for the long term.
  3. Part of treating eczema is knowing what causes your breakouts and taking active measures to avoid these substances. Consider getting yourself allergy tested to see if the culprit causing your eczema lies in pollens, foods, animals, or even the ingredients in your dishwashing liquid. Avoid harsh chemicals like the plague, and be sure to protect your hands with gloves when cleaning or washing dishes.
  4. The contents of your wardrobe also play a role in your ongoing battle with eczema. Stay away from rough fabrics such as wool as these can further aggravate your condition. Cotton based clothing allows skin to breathe, and won’t irritate skin.
  5. In treating your eczema naturally, diet is key. Try expanding your diet to include lots of fresh foods such as vegetables, fruits, and nuts. A healthy diet makes skin thicker, stronger, and less susceptible to foreign attackers such as eczema. Eczema friendly foods such as salmon and fish should also be a diet staple, as they contain fatty omega acids that protect skin.
  6. How to Treat Eczema

    How to Treat Eczema

    Stress can play a key part in eczema flare ups. For many people, leading a stress free life is a bit too much to ask, but finding activities that help you to release stress is essential to your overall health and well being. Eczema tends to worsen at the first sign of stress, so make time to relax and blow off steam.
  7. Sleep is essential to both treating and keeping eczema breakouts at bay. Your body rejuvenates itself at night, and without a proper night’s rest, skin is less able to heal itself or fight off infection from bacteria. Aim for a solid 8 hours all at once, but if this is not possible, try small naps whenever you can catch them throughout the day.
  8. Heat and eczema are formidable co-conspirators. Stay out of the sun, and be sure to slather exposed skin with sunscreen whenever you go outside. If your house is particularly dry, use a humidifier to dispel dry and dangerous air. Winter is an especially tough time for people who suffer from eczema, so up your daily eczema regimen as Fall approaches to get a jump start on the cold.
  9. Bathing can be tricky for eczema sufferers. Be wary of heavily perfumed soaps, lotions, etc. as these can irritate your skin, or even be the cause of your eczema. When bathing, keep your shower or bath short, and try exfoliating the affected skin with a soft brush to banish dry, dead skin cells. After bathing, apply a moisturizer or topical cream to soothe and protect skin.
  10. Add natural vitamins and supplements to your diet. The vitamins Zinc, B complex, and Fish Oil all work to nourish your body from the inside out. All natural kelp supplements help to reduce the level of acidity in your body. Vitamin A works to soften skin, and can be ingested or taken in emulsion form. Vitamin E oil relieves dry and itchy skin.
  11. If you are in the middle of a bad eczema flare up, topical treatments are a must. Creams that contain aloe vera or neem oil can be very helpful for soothing an outbreak of eczema, and won’t thin the skin the way a steroid cream does. Wash your hands with Dove body wash, and keep hands and other eczema prone spots lubricated with Curel or petroleum jelly throughout the day.
  12. Witch hazel can also be used a natural alternative to prescribed steroid creams. This substance is cheap and easy to obtain from any drug store, and contains properties that are anti-inflammatory and work to promote healing within the body. Always allow creams to completely soak in to your skin. It is a good idea to use a cotton ball or tooth pick to apply topical treatments for eczema, as this is less likely to introduce bacteria in to the body.

If you suffer from eczema, don’t suffer in silence. Realize that a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, a regular sleep schedule, and low stress can keep eczema at bay. Be proactive, careful to check labels on your bath products, soaps, cleaning supplies, and clothes.

When your eczema does flare up, look to natural remedies to repair and revitalize your skin such as vitamins and gentle topical treatments. Eczema is usually a lifelong condition, so don’t think of your condition in terms of something you must get rid of right away, think of it as something that you must always be fortified against. Armed and ready, you could be eczema free for good.

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